Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The babies are multiplying and growing

I couldn't resist going out and buying another tray of 72 little seed pods. I started lettuce, African Daisys and another type of marigold. The lavender seeds never sprouted so I used those pods to grow more marigolds.

It looks like a miniature forest in my office.
I can hardly wait to plant these little babies.

This is the 4 x 4 raised bed garden where the seedlings will live, grow and hopefully not die!

I transplanted 2 basil and 2 tomato plants into small mason jars. I think they need a little more room to grow before they venture outside. You can see the raised bed in the background filled with dirt.

Maggie is helping watch over the plants and catch a little sun.

My Story in Art

I have just discovered the amazingly creative art journal. Where have I been? How could I have missed all of this awesome creativity? Well it's high time I catch up. I started with The End, the back of my journal. I bought my spiral bound Canson mixed media spiral and off I go..............
I decided to start with the back cover incase it stinks then I won't have to look at it as much. Well, I am happy so far. I used acrylics to begin a beautiful rainbow of colors. I'm sure I will add more but for now I am pleased.
* note to self, completely wash hands before you start to blog. I guess a little paint won't kill my keyboard ;-)