Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lavender Shell

This is an unfinished Lavender Shell. this is a pattern from another Maggie Sefton book called, Needled to Death. It was so easy, knit in the round. You split the stitches and work on the front than the back and join at the top. It will be a kind of a tank top.

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

This recipe turned out so tasty I had to take a picture of it. The recipe came from the April issue of Country Living. I made a few adjustments and I will post my recipe as soon as I find the magazine.

Mittens in a Heat Wave

Can you believe I was knitting this mitten this weekend and the temperatures were above 90 degrees. Good thing Jason keeps our house so cool or else I would have certaintly melted.

I made this easy mitten in varigated baby alpaca. The pattern came from my latest read, Fleece Navidad by Maggie Sefton. I just love her books. I can't wait for the newest one to come out in June, it's called Dropped dead Stitch.