Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homemade Hand Soap

I must admit that I have a new addiction Pinterest . I can't help myself from browsing and browsing all of the beautifully creative things on this site. Yesterday I tried my first DIY from Pinterest and it was a success. I made 1/2 gallon of hand soap from a bar of soap. It was easy, fun and it will save us a lot of money on commercial hand soap.

My ingredients:
1 bar of Dr. Bronners Lemon Soap
1 T of liquid glycerin
50 drops lemon essential oil
1/2 gallon Water

I followed the directions from the farmers nest blog but substituted Dr Bronners for Meyers and cut the recipe in half to test it out. Mine worked wonderfully but I did use a hand mixer the next day and added a little extra water to break up chunks and create a smooth consistency.


Patient Impatients 1 & 2

Grama and Tyson in the Christmas Tree Forest

