Monday, January 12, 2009

If a tree falls in your front yard and no one is there to hear it does it make noise?

We were expecting a friend and when he came to the front door he said, " You guys know you have a tree down in your front lawn...right?" Well we had no idea. There had been a lot of rain and the ground was soaked. We has a really strong wind come by and apparently knock down our 30 foot pine tree. We couldn't believe it missed both of our cars in the driveway and the mailbox. Amazingly enough we had the tree removed the very next day, a Sunday. We paid dearly for this speedy weekend service, but we both needed to get our cars out for work on Monday. Jason and I were not fond of this tree but we really miss it. We will be planting something in the spring. I think that will make a grand total of 10 trees we have planted since we moved in in 2006.

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